A Crisis Management Product for Significant Threats or Acts of Terror

Appalachian Underwriters wants to make sure there is a product available to appointed agents if an act of terror takes place in an insured’s workplace or within an organization. This product provides liability coverage and addresses other financial response issues that an organization may face if an event like this takes place, including the cost of crisis management, counselling, and business interruption/loss of revenue/advanced loss of revenue.

Exposures include active shooter, terrorist attack, and workplace violence.

Appetite for any organization, including:

  • Schools
  • Universities
  • Stadiums
  • Arenas
  • Hospitals
  • Hotels
  • Theatres


There is also a supplemental Firestorm Workplace Prevention Program Self-Assessment involving a series of questions that are divided across the following dimensions of a workplace violence program:

  • Human resources policies and procedures
  • Behavioral risk and threat assessment
  • Emergency response
  • Program framework
  • Security


“Look at London last month, Orlando last year, or Boston four years ago. Though these threats cannot be planned for, we want to make sure that insureds can effectively protect their employees and businesses against further crises or damaged reputations. That is what this product is designed to do,” Mark Arnold, Director of Brokerage.

For more information on AUI’s Crisis Management product, please contact our Brokerage division

[email protected]
