Appalachian Underwriters’ Brokerage Division has Developed a Subcontractor Deductible Buy Down product, Exclusive to AUI Agents!

Wraps are complex risks that may involve the interests of owners, contractors, and joint venture partners. Unknowingly, subcontractors working on multi-year construction projects (wraps) may be subject to participate in a large deductible program controlled by the General Contractor. Our exclusive Subcontractors Deductible Buy Down reduces costs for the General Contractor and protects the financial interests of the subcontractor.

Limits Available:

This policy shall pay the difference between the deductible of the wrap and the insured’s retention, subject to the maximum amount payable. Limit may be reinstated up to three times.



Buy Down to $2,500


Minimum Premium:



For more information, please contact:

Jonny Young

[email protected]
